✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López


Daxiron opinion

Opinions and information about the broker Daxiron

¿Is the Daxiron broker (aka daxiron.com) really trustworthy? ✅ Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? ❎ Is Daxiron reliable? ❎ In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help us with information about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to give the company a score according to their experience with it. ▶ Let's start with the analysis:

✔️ What is Daxiron? Daxiron is a broker of: Forex and CFDs.

✔️ The broker mentions be part of: Synnfrey Sol Ltd.

✔️ Where is it based? Daxiron is based in: Dominica.

✔️Is it a regulated broker? If we talk about regulation, the broker Daxiron does not mention being regulated.

❌ Actual location of company offices? We don't know yet, we appreciate someone (brave) giving us this information.

❌ Names of the actual owners? Still unknown, we appreciate any information.

Daxiron website
Daxiron website


We will continue to analyze the different account types that Daxiron offers. In the case of Daxiron we note that it has 3 different types of accounts: Standard Account, Premium Account and VIP Account.

🔹 Standard Account- Leverage up to 1:30, Minimum Lot Size 0.1, Dedicated Account Manager, Support Department Transaction Hotline.

🔹 Premium account: tailored leverage, 0.1 minimum lot size, dedicated account manager, Support Department transaction hotline.

🔹 VIP account: tailored leverage, 0.1 minimum lot size, dedicated account manager, Support Department transaction hotline.



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🔸 The platform used to trade is: MT4 platform.

🔸 Now, yes, we will analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: explanation about the products it offers, glossary, FAQ section, really not much more than this.


✳️ Daxiron Features ✳️


What we like the most

What we like least


(I.e. More information about the company (I.e.


🔸 Phone number: +44 208 157 7287

🔸 E-mail: [email protected]

🔸 Website: daxiron.com

🔸 Bonuses, promotions, offers: None by the moment

🔸 Clarification: If you think that our review is not correct, or you have a different opinion about this company, we invite you to leave a comment in this section - rating with your opinion.




Daxiron review

Attention: unregulated broker, scam. Possible scam.

Caution broker's clients cannot withdraw. Scam, scam and claims

☑️ With the information we have so far, the comments, evaluations and criticisms of users and traders, ⚠️ our opinion is that it seems like a broker with which we have to be careful ⚠️. We do not recommend it.

☑️ Why? Is a broker no regulation and further is located in a very dangerous country for these activities (Dominica), on the other hand, when looking for information and other evaluations about Daxiron find a lot of negative reviews and complaints, overall negative feedback.

(I.e. Is Daxiron safe? How reliable is Daxiron? ❎ We consider it to be an unsafe, unreliable company and we do not recommend it. ❎ Why? For the reasons mentioned above. Here you can read comments about Daxiron. 

❗ Attention: Daxiron is linked to the broker DaxGlobe , a fraudulent broker with a very bad reputation and numerous complaints from regulators. We suggest extreme caution.


❗ December 2021 update: CNMV, Spanish financial regulator, has reported Daxiron due to fraudulent activities.

🚫 Link to the warning 🚫 on the official website of the CNMV.

❗ March 2022 update: FI, Swedish financial regulator, has reported Daxiron due to fraudulent activities.

🚫 Link to the warning 🚫 on the official page of FI.

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with this broker? Share a comment with your experience.


Are you part of Daxiron? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us at >> use this form <<


👇 User and trader score 👇


Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review rating: 4.9/5 - (33 votes)

24 comments on «Daxiron - daxiron.com»

  1. Ana Maria Reply

    Hello, thanks for the recommendation, I was able to recover my capital with the recovery service, I greatly appreciate it!

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Ana María, what fantastic news! We thank you for telling us about it, we know that sometimes people have doubts but we also know that it is almost always achieved. Our recommendation is that if you intend to invest again, first check the name of the broker on our website or you can also ask us, we will be happy to help you.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Click here

      Before making another investment decision, check out this link: https://zuverlassigerforexbroker.com/beste-Makler-2021/


  2. Joseph Reply

    I made a contribution of less than €1000, to try and see how it worked, after three days I regretted it. IT IS A FULL SCAM, They manage the parameters of your account to make you believe that you are going to earn money quickly and easily. AT the moment you try to remove it, they put all the hits in the WORLD and not only that but they do not allow you to remove it. They call you every week making you believe that there is nothing left to withdraw your money. And when that day comes they tell you sorry the market is very volatile, it has changed and you have no money in your account, they insist that you invest more money, but don't even think about it, THEY WILL END UP SCAMING YOU MORE MONEY. I WOULD LIKE TO FILE A JOINT LAWSUIT TO END THIS BANG OF THIEVES, BECAUSE IT HAS NO OTHER NAME, I DON'T BELIEVE THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE YOU DEAL WITH, YOU TELL THEM FICTITIOUS NAMES AND THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE PARTNERS, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR YOUR MONEY, I THINK WE ARE MANY WHO HAVE BEEN SCAMMED

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Joseph, they always use false names, this broker called Daxiron is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Daxiron for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in an UNREGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!.

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar, do not even think about doing it, that indicates that they are a fraud since those taxes don't existThey ask for it so they can steal more money from you.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


  3. Daxiron Reply

    Pure and hard scam but everything that you are stealing your health will be taken away from you by scoundrels who have no heart, for the moment I have made my chargeback, and my lawyer is already in the process, denounce and do not wait, they are not going to solve anything

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Daxiron, this broker called Daxiron is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Daxiron for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in an UNREGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!.

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar, do not even think about doing it, that indicates that they are a fraud since those taxes don't existThey ask for it so they can steal more money from you.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


  4. Carmelo Reply

    Hello, can someone lend me to eat, or give me a job, to be able to eat and pay debts?
    Hello, again, it seems that when you ruin someone, you push them away as if they had leprosy. I say you ruin it, since at no time was I the one who invested directly, in fact, if I wanted to invest on my own, I couldn't, and Pablo would tell me off. He is the one who has been all the time, manipulating my money, and that of other clients from multiple countries, with which I accuse him of malpractice and bad intention, and he has incurred one of the faults of the company, Pablo and Arturo, for which the company has to be responsible for the losses of the client, in this case, me. I know that you are not regulated, so theoretically, you cannot have clients in any European country, not even in England. Apart from doing operations between wallets, which in the end, also cost me money, since it was not possible for me to withdraw money directly from the Daxiron website, nor upload money directly, and don't say that it would be a mistake, because it wasn't, there was I had to exchange purses with the IBANs that Pablo provided me. Do not say that you will look at it, because you will not, since you know that what I am saying is true. At the end, my balance is -53,41€. And you do nothing to get it back, nor do I think you have any intention. As someone from Support told me, I'm going to do all the history and I'll send it to you, don't bother to delete it, I have a copy of everything, including phone conversations, and I'll think about what I'm going to do. I want to know if they are really trying to do something, I know, positively, that if my account is put in what you call a robot, with which you simply put €200, so that it is positive, and it starts to work, I will be able to recover. The safest thing is that you do nothing, that's what scammers do. Ahh! And please, don't want me to believe that all of you who work at Daxiron have had my experience in life, because it's a lie. That you do it as solidarity..., okay, but if you are really honest, as I am, you would do everything possible so that the account would go up little by little, and recover. This would make an honest broker with his clients. And please identify whoever responds. By the way, the photos that Pablo sent me so that I could meet him, are falsified, I know, because I am a photographic expert, among many other things. Even that is false. I hope and wish that those who have not done anything, nor want to do anything for a client to recover, spend it on medicines and hospitals, and go bankrupt, as I am. In the event that I am wrong, and I see that the account is moving, I will publicly apologize and withdraw what I said. Courage, having what it takes to help those who have gone bankrupt because of those who give investment orders, and repeat them, so that the client, in the end, has to sleep under a bridge. By the way, conversations with whatsapp are not effective, since they are not read, and I do not know how to get in touch with my interlocutor, who told me that he would call me more times a week. Please do not say that you are doing your best to solve the problem. That would be true, if it would show on the account, even if it only went up a few cents. if the bosses don't want it, it won't be done, and if the analyst who is treating me, whose name I won't say out of respect, doesn't pay any attention to him..., the problem won't be solved. I, who am not a broker, would solve it in 2 weeks, but since those in charge, or those who control the accounts, do not want to, and it does not matter to them..., even in that they are irresponsible, because it would also be profitable for them. Finally, yourselves. In Spain there is a saying: "Every pig gets his San Martín" in English: "every dog ​​has his day" See you soon -I am sharing real and truthful information with users, there is no lack of information, since the I am the victim and of course I share my experience and tell it as it has been, without inventing anything. If there has been a lack of communication lately, since the crisis began weeks ago, thanks to the system used to communicate with customers, very restrictive with customers, since if the operator of the company does not look or does not want to look at the whatsapps, for whatever reason, we can spend weeks without communicating, and if in addition, I call by phone (very expensive), and the answering machine comes out and there is no response from any person from the company, of course there is a lack of communication, but that it does not mean that the events that occurred are not real. Or what do you think I'm lying about my current state of completely broke?

    Reply from Daxiron
    28 September 2021

    Dear Mr. Escudero,

    share your experience with users and we encourage everyone to share their experience.

    However, we are unable to address some of the issues you have raised because several of the points raised are incorrect due to misinformation or miscommunication.

    However, we can and do promise to pass the message on to the relevant experts, who will contact you to discuss the above.

    Carmelo Lagunas Escudero

    Absolute ruin, live under a bridge, or jump from it
    Absolute ruin, now I'm in the negative, from €120000 I had, to €-53, thanks to poor management and bad investments by certain people in the company. Now, those people would have to be responsible and either reimburse 50% of the losses to clients, or do everything possible to make that happen, with company money, with the professional work of analysts, and not of Pablo and Arturo, who do not want to show their faces. What I propose is that the company put up a large amount, that hundreds of operations be launched so that they test positive, and I am sure that in one or two weeks, the problem would be solved, the company would also earn money, and I could live in peace, pay debts, continue investing in Daxiron, pay back what was borrowed, but with the advice and work of certain people, the analysts, not those who have led me to ruin. Asking for forgiveness, Pablo, doesn't solve anything. If I make a mistake in my work, they penalize me, because I have cost the company money, in this case it should be the same, and that those who have made these blunders, who have ruined several clients for us, and who have more sin for not having told or notified the clients of the investment intentions, in my case, I already told Pablo that I did not want them to invest in cryptocurrencies, and even less so in Futures, which he did in the two time intervals in that has been ruined for me. They should be sanctioned, or the company should carry out operations, which also know how to do it, so that the clients, without costing the company money, can recover between 40 and 60% of what was lost, which in my case, that's it. I appeal to the honesty, professionalism and common sense of Daxiron, so that it carries out the strategy that I propose, and I can recover between 40 and 60% of what was lost, in order to continue being a client of Dáxiron, and stop thinking about the angle and curvature of the fall from 100m in a last jump of the angel. Let them know that customer service does not work, they do not answer the mail or the phone

    Reply from Daxiron

    Hello Mr. Escudero,

    We are reviewing the case as we speak to you.
    If you have anything to add, feel free to contact our customer support team.
    Carmelo Lagunas Escudero

    Hello again. complete bankruptcy
    Hello again. The person who attends to me hasn't even checked whatsapp for a few days, and I don't know how to get in touch with you anymore, what last week was 40000 today is 20000. I want to be attended to, to know when they are going to close the event, when there is no more money? All this is painful, and a situation of total ruin for me. The banks don't want to give me, the lenders, neither, my friends and relatives can't... I want you to contact me, to know what you plan to do, and it doesn't help me if you tell me that I have to wait for the bags, there are solutions and you know there are, why don't they apply them? It also doesn't help me to be told that you are doing your best to fix it, since I don't see that you are doing it. I already have €100000 lost, what do I do? and don't tell me: wait, or ask friends or family, that's no longer useful. You would have to take responsibility for a percentage of the losses, since much of it is your fault. All this is negative propaganda for you. We'll see what's left.

    Reply from Daxiron

    Hello, Mr. Escudero,

    Please feel free to share your workable solutions with the account manager and they will immediately let you know if it is a currently applicable solution or not.
    It is impossible to provide you with information without committing to a strategy that may be inappropriate at this very moment.
    Since it is also impossible to address all these topics in forums, we will pass on your request.

    Thanks for your time.
    Carmelo Lagunas Escudero

    Hello, Well, it seems that there is a problem with the stock markets, and the current policies and events that affect investments. The problem is still that I can't get credit to pay the debts, the creditors are already starting to bother. For me it is an untenable situation. The cushion of money that was in the bank has already been finished and now I am in negative. I do not know when or how the event we are currently in will close, we pray that it will be positive and soon. I apologize if I have missed someone with my previous speeches, but I am in a very difficult and complicated position. Yes, when the event closes, I do not want it to be re-invested without my permission. This I discussed with my broker, and I want it to be fulfilled. I hope this nightmare ends soon. Greetings Carmelo Lagunas

    Reply from Daxiron

    Hello, Mr. Escudero,

    We expect a quick resolution.
    Thank you for your comment.
    Carmelo Lagunas Escudero

    What I no longer know how to do to solve the issue of not being able to withdraw the money, well, it won't let me. In this case, I have nothing to pay my expenses with, and I want to close the account, even if I lose €65000, I don't want to lose more. There are real drawbacks, and they put the pretext that investments are harmed, but in their specifications they state that one of their purposes is that they protect the client's capital. A client should be able to close his account, and he can't, he's not allowed to. They're telling me that we're going to recover, but in the meantime, I'm going to have to file for insolvency, since they won't let me withdraw money from the account, and I don't even have enough to eat. I can prove it, I only have €300 left in my bank account, €54000 in Daxiron's, which they won't let me touch, and which I want to withdraw, and they won't let me. In a section of its website it puts the risks, but it does not say that they are the ones who move the capital, not the client, so that if one goes bankrupt because of them, it does not matter to them, since they blame the client of bad investments, since the client has not intervened at all, and they do not allow any movement. In another section of their website they are saying that there is protection against negative balance. I don't know what the protection is. When Pablo assisted me, it worked and there were good benefits, now Pablo has disappeared from the scene, and I guess Arturo, too. There is nothing but a disaster for the client, in this case, for me. I NEED THE MONEY THAT IS WITHHOLDING ME!!!!. It's true what Pablo told me, brokers feed on investors' losses. In these cases it should be the other way around, customers benefit from errors or possible theft or scams by brokers. For the record, I am not saying that this is a robbery or scam, but I am saying that they are not making good use of the clients' money in investments, and even less, future investments, which have an expiration date. I WANT AND NEED MY MONEY, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANY MORE THEY ARE ALWAYS TELLING ME THE SAME, THAT I DON'T HAVE TO EAT, THAT I DON'T HAVE A EURO IN THE BANK!!!!! You do not care, so it seems that I do not have to eat. YESTERDAY I HAD €93000, TODAY 53000, TOMORROW????. YOU SAY IT'S NOT THE RIGHT TIME, CLOSE WITH €54000 AND I WANT MY MONEY, you're just investing in the same thing, and you know it doesn't work. I want to take out that €54000 and live without problems, otherwise you will be responsible for my suicide, and I will put it in writing.

    Reply from Daxiron

    Hello Mr. Escudero,

    Any type of trade intervenes with the status of your liquid funds, even the least volatile type of market share imaginable.
    You are not denied account closure and no one can overrule you to close your account.
    It's just not the most prudent decision at the moment.
    Rest assured that our experts are studying all possible options.
    Carmelo Lagunas Escudero

    Hello from Spain, I am Carmelo Lagunas Escudero
    Hello from Spain, My experience, since they contacted me, through a secretary, I suppose, was very good since Pablo contacted me. He does like to talk, and he liked talking to me, or at least that's what he said, and I think he was sincere, although, I guess because of his stress, he does have dominant reactions, which those who don't understand seem strange to them. Everything was going great, incredible profits, they were already sending me money from my profits, and I was advertising them so that they would gain clients. To reach €100000 and as indicated by the broker, I requested a personal loan from the bank. In 4 months, I had won about €40000, since I started with €250, and I was uploading more amounts, seeing that it actually worked, even trying to withdraw money, which Pablo encouraged me to do. But disaster struck, on the 16th of this month, the broker told me that with the amounts I had, I was going to earn between €1000 and €2000 a day this month and the next, which is almost normal, with my account, except certain days of less quantity, minimum, what they say the robot, about €250 on average, which is very good. The disaster was, it seems that there were wrong operations, so they have not been closed yet, waiting, it seems, for the recovery. But I am broke, since I had what they were beginning to return to me, and now, neither the robot works, or they have stopped it, or… Requesting the assistance of Pablo, or Arturo countless times, which we previously talked about every day to comment on the account, theoretically Arturo, as a right-hand man, they no longer call, and after complaints on whatsapp, international calls that no one answers, asking for money directly on their website, which they protested, with the excuse that they could not operate with all the amount, finally, by whatsapp, and rarely by phone, I speak with another operator, who gives me the feeling that he is not in London, but in Dominicas, which is where they have the registered office (I do not want to say names , Pablo and Arturo I say because they have already appeared in other comments). I think serious things have happened in the London offices. In my opinion they should give us an explanation, at least to those of us who have so much money with them. The fact is that either I wait and ask friends and family and the bank to help me, or I directly commit suicide. I think that in these cases, the company would have to help clients who, like me, are broke, with no money in the bank, for essential expenses, for having trusted them, even if they were later deducted in the recovery . It would be a very honorable and intelligent act, which would benefit the company, giving it prestige, a name and many more clients. For a company like yours, it means nothing. Granted, as Pablo said, "you are not the sisters of charity", but you do not run out of money, we are the clients, and you are partly responsible for the losses, for not having done your job well. In this way, they do not get more than bad reviews and opinions, and of course, if my case is not solved as soon as possible, they will lose all the clients who were already about to sign up. Where are Paul and Arturo? You have my phone, and talking to clients clears things up. Customers must be kept informed, since being what it is, it seems that it is not what it seems. Greetings. Carmelo Lagunas Escudero RESPONDING TO THE TEXT SENT BY DAXIRON: First of all, thank you for responding so quickly. comment that this week I think I remember that I had 2 phone calls (previous Friday and Monday of this week, on Thursday a few words of calm and yesterday a call confirmation for Monday, by whatsapp, so there are not as many conversations as they want to do Previously, since the 19th of this month, Arturo: (on whatsapp) [16:27, 19/8/2021] Pablo Fuentes: Thank you for understanding us [16:27, 19/8/2021] Pablo Fuentes: I want you to stay calm [16:28, 19/8/2021] Pablo Fuentes: Good weekend! and NOTHING, WITH ALL THE DISASTER, after many phone calls and WhatsApp messages, until the operator who assists me, by the way, very polite , contacted me. I would like, please, to discuss the strategy with my current operator, or broker, whatever you want to say, and if not, with his superior, or whoever gives the orders: Pablo, Arturo, Diego….
    Reply from Daxiron

    Hello Mr. Escudero,

    We understand the apprehension you may feel about your plans and expectations being delayed, however please be aware that the nature of trading includes inevitable ups and downs that are beyond the control of your account manager.
    We assure you that our experts are closely monitoring all activity and will keep you informed of any updates.
    We have seen multiple occasions of contact this week alone, if you would like the frequency to increase you can discuss this with your account manager and it can be arranged.
    Thanks for your feedback.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Carmelo, this broker called Daxiron is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Daxiron for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in an UNREGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!.

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar, do not even think about doing it, that indicates that they are a fraud since those taxes don't existThey ask for it so they can steal more money from you.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


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